3D Stereo Photography Fluorescent Minerals
Tozour Family's Fluorescent Rocks Page 7:
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When exposed to ultraviolet light, some minerals change their color as viewed in normal white light.
Two types of sodalite: hackmanite and tugtupite change from white to purple with exposure to shortwave UV, and change back to white with exposure to bright white light.
See Page 42 for more tenebrescent hackmanite.
( click pictures to enlarge )
Hackmanite, Kola Peninsula, Russia, Long Exposure to SW UV 10-12-98
Two minute exposure to white light (camcorder light) 10-12-98
Five minute exposure to white light 10-12-98
Ten minute exposure to white light 10-12-98
Hackmanite, Kola Peninsula, Russia, after many cycles of UV and Daylight 9-28-99
15 minutes of SW UV with room lights on 9-28-99
15 additional minutes UV in dark room (30 minutes total of SW UV) 9-28-99
Time-Lapse mp4 of 15 minutes of SW UV exposure
Hackmanite, Davis Quarry, Bancroft, Ontario, before exposure to shortwave UV
Light purple spots after one minute exposure to SW UV
Darker purple spots after five minutes exposure to SW UV
Tugtupite, Narsaq, Greenland, after exposure to white light, some red-purple remains
Tugtupite after five minutes exposure to SW UV, deeper color
